Poetry Friday: Change Can Be:(Explorations with Ekphratic poetry)

This week we did explorations with Ekphratic poetry: poems written based on, inspired by images. Google tells me one of the most famous examples is Keats’ “Ode on a Grecian Urn.” I love that poem, but I’m not sure what it all means no matter how many times I read it. And that’s okay. I tell my students it’s okay to love something yet not fully understand it.

Don’t forget to check out this week’s roundup

Here’s my shot, inspired by a picture a fellow student shared with the class.

Photo by: https://pelicansandprose.com/

Change Can Be:

Frightening, like the ledge of a precipice. A desperate clinging to something solid for fear of the unknown,

fear of the bewilderment that often comes with change. Or it can be alien-like a sickly yellow-green

Change can be gradual. A slow creaking of roots gaining nutrients

And slow, invisible building-blocks-race

towards a snail’s pace of

hardened structure.


Change can be violent after years of and years of slow, slow build-up.

Perhaps the reason change is so scary…

Is because


                                   Have to

let go.

8 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Change Can Be:(Explorations with Ekphratic poetry)

  1. What wonderful lessons in this poem inspired by an alien-looking critter. I love ekphrastic poems. They are so fun to write…I try to get into the artist’s head. Ha! The closest I’ll come to being a visual artist.

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  2. My family will tell you; I have so many feelings about change. It knocks me for a six. But now I know that I will get through it… Breathe. And let go. And make sure I’m not alone for a couple of days, if necessary!🙃

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love how you sprung off the inspiring photo and explored the idea of change. There’s so much truth within this poem. I’m a bit change averse and your ending resonated: the letting go can be so, so hard. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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